Wednesday, 16 April 2014

For The Poor, By The Poor.

Painting by Thabiso Phepeng, "Jozi".

Cape Town, 1983, Tricameral Constitution: in addition to the House of Assembly (whites), two separate assemblies are created for coloureds (House of Representatives) and Indians (House of Delegates). 
This is why some "Coloureds" and some Indians and many white people still have a sense of their being superior to Africans in South Africa.  Yes, these days they hide it well.  Political correctness has taught them to grin and bear the darkie, the black, the kaffir, to hold their tongues and watch their manners until they get home, but unfortunately hate and contempt aren't things that a person can easily hide. 

Now, before all you so called liberals go shooting off from the hip, talking nonsense about how I'm fuelling racism and planting seeds of bigotry thorn-bushes in this blossoming house-garden with fresh herbs, blossoming daffodils and handsome king proteas, tell me how to handle small transgressions of insult?  Help me put aside any anger towards the daily news of my brothers and sisters being called a kaffir.  Teach me how not to feel hurt when I, as a student at one of the most esteemed universities in the world, am looked at and treated as a nobody or nothing, until I open my mouth and speak that queen’s English I got drummed and forced into my skull at that "prestigious" and "private" school in Jozi.  Better yet, show me how not to get pained when I am looked at and treated like a criminal, cause I got locks and my skin tone is a beautiful coffee colour brown, with that kiss of the suns heart.  On top of all that, I'm treated as such by people who were brought here as slaves too!  Perhaps, that’s a bit much, but the situation is unsettling, to say the least. 

Divide and conquer, remember that?  This is exactly the plan the boers had in mind with that apartheid.  Sadly, it has and is working.  Poor people are battling each other instead of battling a system that keeps them poor. 

No, this isn't a rant; it's a wake up call.  Y'all need to wake the fuck up Cape Town!  The rest of the country is fighting a class war while you're busy fighting one another racially, which means you’re still fighting a fear war.  We don't have time for that crap!  Remember, when they gave you that “partial” vote, it was part of the grand plan to make you believe you are better than Africans.  It was part of the grand plan to keep you close enough to them so as not to be a problem, but distant enough to know your place as less human and not worthy of la dolce vita. 

We are all one; it’s the human race, not the colour race or the class race.  So stop treating your brothers and sisters as enemies or acting like you’re better than them, we need to love one another in the true sense of the phrase.  Work towards the betterment of all and not some, otherwise apartheid wins.  One love, one heart, one people…


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